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            Hello, young Spark! Welcome to Light Clan. It's wonderful to see you here. In this tab, you can learn all about Light Clan: Our backstory, what we do, and what we're all about. So... I suppose I should get to explaining!


            Back in 2010, a (somewhat lonely and bored) young girl wanted to make a group that was full of fun and activities, where she could make friends and never have to be bored. She tried multiple times to create a Clan, each time unsucessful. Then, on June 24th, 2010, she created L.I.G.H.T. Clan. It started off small, of course, but grew steadily, building up its own legends and stories along the way.


            We've come an incredibly long way since then. We grew and changed, becoming a family to each other along the way, sticking through the rough times together, and having a lot of fun along the way. Even after Toontown shut down, we stuck together, making up new games and activities to tide us over until another acceptable game comes along.


            Our main goal has always been to have fun, and that's exactly what we do with all of our activities. We put a lot of our time into Role Play, since we have a very detailed storyline developed, but we also do a lot of writing and drawing, competitions, video game tournaments, movie-watching parties, chatting, and much more. I hate to brag, but this Clan is absolutely full of incredibly talented people, so the art competitions are always something to look forward to, as are art trades. We also have a Newsletter with some amazing writers. 


            We also enjoy hosting Voice/Video Chat or Movie Watching parties, which are always really entertaining. (Although, Ashlynn does have an annoying bad habit of singing during the voice chats...) And since we started on Toontown, video games have always been a big part of our community, whether it's building Transformice maps, RPing on FeralHeart, battling on Eden Eternal, or racing in Mario Kart.


            We also have some slighly less exciting activities, like forum events or chatting... But even though they aren't intense or exciting, they're always really fun, because you get to spend some time with your Clan family, and that's always something worthwhile. 


            All in all, Light Clan is something that's always been full of creativity and fun. We love meeting new members, and can't wait to get to know you. We hope to see you soon! 

General Info

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