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Hello, everyone! I know… It’s been a while. I’m so sorry, I’ve been busy. But I swear, I’m back now! So… Onto the news.


Upcoming Events

Now, this is our last newsletter until Advertising Weekend and Events Week. Man, can you believe it? Time sure does fly! This does mean, however, that we really need to get to work on preparations. I could really use everyone’s help with Advertising Weekend. It won’t achieve anything without all of your help! So… Here’s what I need you all to do.


• Collect drawings, screenshots, and video clips. These can be used in ads for all over the place, ESPECIALLY YouTube ads! I think that the YouTube videos will help us a lot. So, please get to work on collecting those! Make a folder in your computer, if you like.


• Find us some places to advertise. I’m currently looking at YouTube, Toonbook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, deviantART, and (possibly? It’s a huge maybe at this point) Neopets. Other places that would be great are Toontown-based forums or Chatrooms and Toontown or TTRW forums. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! Also, if you could make an account on any of the above websites to help with advertising, it would be a massive help. Thanks!


• Write out some ads. Here’s a tip: Put yourself in the shoes of someone who’s never heard of Light Clan. Would they read your ad and not be annoyed or confused by it, and be compelled to join? That’s the kind of advertisement you need to write. That’s why I’m suggesting to write them in advance!


• Let me know what types of events you would like to see during Events Week. This can be basically anything. Is there a game you’d like us to try? A movie or TV show you want us all to watch (Has to be appropriate!)? A certain mission/mini mission you want to RP? A certain contest topic you would like to enter? Something that doesn’t fit into any of those categories? Let me know!


That’s about it. Seriously, though, if you guys could do those things for me, it would be a massive help!



This week, we’ve got Diamond’s birthday on the 6th and LightningStrike’s on the 7th! Be sure to wish them both a big Happy Birthday!


The Forum Troll

As you may or may not know, recently someone has been coming onto our forum and making vulgar, offensive posts. We originally suspected Pearl Midnight, as the two emails used were “” and “” However, on further investigation, it appears that she has been framed. The person got the first email from Pearl’s dA name and the year in the second one from her dA’s date of birth, even though it isn’t the correct year. Therefore, we can deduce that this person knew who they wanted to target and spent a decent amount of time stalking their dA to find incriminating information they could use against Pearl. We do not know as of yet what their full intentions were, if they were attempting to get Pearl kicked out of Midnight Clan or start a war between Light Clan and Midnight Clan, but we are working to find out who it was. The first IP used traced back to New York/Virginia and the second to Bulgaria, so we are unsure of where the person comes from, but they’re probably using a VPN or cloaking their IP somehow. (We know & are the IPs they have used so far.) If you have any ideas of who might be the person posting these vulgar messages on our forum, please let me know ASAP.


Another Coboss Announcement

So, I’m assuming everyone knows about this by now. Mystic Rose Light has moved on from Light Clan, deciding it wasn’t something she enjoyed anymore. We will miss her dearly, but we still have to go on. Meaning: I need to choose another CoBoss. I will be allowing people to withdraw or submit new forms for this, as long as they use the same CoBoss Competition form as before. Good luck, everyone!


Now Hiring!

Yep, that’s right! Light Clan’s newsletter is now hiring! I’m looking for people who can…


• Draw our banner (Maybe we’ll hold a contest for one each season!)


• Write a comedy/joke column


• Be our TTRW insider (It’s optional, but it would be incredibly helpful if you had an account on TTRW if you take this job.)


• Be our anonymous advice columnist! (Basically, people would PM me their questions and you could give them advice. Anonymously!)


• If you want to write but would prefer a different job than one of these, please request it and I’ll consider it!


And Finally… This Week’s Contest!

Since our big event week is coming up, we here in the Leadership Chatroom thought that a good contest topic for this week would be… Memories! Your favorite memories in Light Clan, as cheesy as you please. You can draw, write a poem, write a short story, whatever you like! We’ll pick our favorites and feature them in next week’s newsletter.


(And just to see who read to the end… Who are you voting for? Flippy or Slappy?)

Weekly Newsletter #2

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